Specialized in business management with activities related to Cultural industries such as communication, literature, cinema and fine arts has worked for over the years exclusively in the audiovisual sector and in 2007 founded her own producer called ABANO PRODUCTIONS.

She’s a member of the board of directors of CIMA, the academy of film arts and science of Spain and the galician academy of audiovisual. Also, she gives masterclasses of animation production in different Spanish and Latin universities.

As an executive producer, she’s produced films, tv series, short films and documentaries that have won numerous international awards; 2 goya, 1 gaudí, 8 mestre mateo betting for national filmmakers to promote themselves.

At the moment, she ‘s producing the film of Isabel Herguera: The dream of the sultana and the film by Miguelanxo Prado and Nani García; The emperor parrot.