Trumpet Man | CA
TRUMPET MAN (animación 14′ HONG KONG)
Un plato giratorio nace una mujer llamada Aguacate y de su instinto crea un hombre llamado Alma. La pasión oscila en un gran estado de ánimo de trompeta. Una locura incierta golpea fuertemente a Alma. La semilla de la pasión continúa generando conflictos entre cinco hombres.
A turntable springs out a woman named Avocado and from her instinct created a man called Soul. Passion swings both in a great trumpet mood. An uncertain madness strikes Soul heavily. Seed of passion continue breeds conflict between five men.
Emily Wong gradua y estudia cine en Columbia College-Hollywood donde comienza a experimentar la animación stop-motion. Trabaja en Hong Kong y Canadá como productora de efectos visuales durante varios años. Después estudia un programa de stop-motion de 11 semanas en Bristol, Inglaterra. Desde allí se dedica a la creación de stop-motion. Algunas de sus obras de animación, como “Tree as Company” y “Such as Life” han sido proyectadas y han sido ganadoras de inumerables premios en el extranjero. Ella utiliza la stop-motion como su medio para relacionarse y entender. Recientemente, practica la agricultura y aprende a tocar la trompeta.
Emily Wong had graduated and studied film in Columbia College-Hollywood where she started experimenting stop-motion animation. She had worked in both Hong Kong and Canada as visual effects producer for several years. Afterward she studied a11-weeks stop-motion program in Bristol, England. From there she is on her dedicated path of stop-motion creation. Some of her animation works, like “Tree as Company” and “Such as Life” had been screened and won few awards in overseas. She uses stop-motion as her media to relate and to understand. Recently, she practices farming and learns how to play trumpet.