La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es CARGO-DER-02-1.jpg



Cristina Tournatzes


Ovanes Torosyan

Yordan Danchev

Zainab Alsawah

Bader Khlifi

Nóra Mohi


On August 26th, 2015 a convoy of human smugglers lets 71 refugees packed in a truck suffocate to death. At dawn smugglers load 71 people from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran onto a truck to drive them from Hungary to Germany. During the journey, the refugees start knocking and screaming for help. The truck driver faces a dilemma. He hears the people scream and beg for help but receives an order to not open the doors to the cargo area. Over the phone he is pressured by his boss to finish the transport at any cost. The true story happened in August 2015 in Hungary and Austria. Based on the published cell phone protocols of the smugglers, whose phones were being monitored by the Hungarian Government, it gives a shocking insight into a organized smugglers Network in Europe.




EUROPANORAMA 2020 (Official Selection, Ljubljana, Slovenia) MARCH 3, 2020

21st THROUGH WOMEN’S EYES INT’L FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, Sarasota, Florida, United States)MARCH 6, 2020

23rd FESTIVAL EUROPÈEN DU COURT MÉTRAGE DE BORDEAUX (Official Selection, Bordeaux, France) MARCH 26, 2020

5th COURTS D’UN SOIR – MONTREAL INT’L SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, Montreal, Quebec, Canada) APRIL 1, 2020

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es CARGO-DER-03.jpg


Christina Tournatzés studied film and television in Munich. She has been directing short documentaries and fiction shorts since 2015.

The short film “Cargo” (2019) is her Thesis Movie.


2019 CARGO (14:59 min, ficció, curt, pel.licula de graduació). 2017 WENN ICH MAL GROSS BIN (00:30 min, ficció, spot social, projecte de estudis).

2015 HELLO BROOKLYN (10:00 min, documental, curt, projecte de estudis).

2014 MARY JAIL (07:00 min, ficció, curt, projecte de estudis).